Tree-Planting & Reforestation

Deforestation is a global crisis, with devastating impacts on biodiversity and communities worldwide. To stand against this, we have partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects to initiate tree-planting and reforestation endeavors globally. Each purchase you make fuels this vital mission, enabling us to rebuild ecosystems and support communities at risk.


// Partner Highlight: Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects leads the charge in battling deforestation, working tirelessly to plant trees and rejuvenate habitats worldwide. Their approach goes beyond just planting trees; they are fostering sustainable communities and nurturing hope through environmental stewardship.

// Tree-Planting: Project Locations


  • Scope of the Issue: Over 90% of primary forests destroyed, escalating habitat loss and threatening endemic species.
  • Project Focus: Revitalize mangrove estuaries to restore fisheries and shield coastal communities from natural disasters.


  • Scope of the Issue: Extensive deforestation aggravated by natural disasters and human activities, endangering over 45% of the population living below the poverty line.
  • Project Focus: Forest-centric sustainable development to foster environmental, economic, and social well-being.


  • Scope of the Issue: Over 90% deforested land; escalating drought and poverty due to logging and illegal settlements.
  • Project Focus: Collaborate with the government to attain a 10% forest cover, reversing environmental degradation and fostering community resilience.


  • Scope of the Issue: Drastic habitat degradation owing to inequitable development and overexploitation of resources, exacerbating poverty.
  • Project Focus: Community-driven reforestation over 10,000 hectares to enhance living conditions and ecosystem health.


  • Scope of the Issue: Retaining less than 30% of original forests, jeopardizing community livelihoods and local biodiversity.
  • Project Focus: Combat environmental degradation by encouraging sustainable harvesting and forest conservation.


  • Scope of the Issue: Loss of over 40% mangrove forests, posing an existential threat to indigenous communities and unique biodiversity.
  • Project Focus: Protect and regenerate mangrove ecosystems to combat climate change impacts and foster resilience.

The Philippines

  • Scope of the Issue: Nearly 90% forest loss since the 1960s, leading to indigenous community displacement and ecological imbalance.
  • Project Focus: “Employ to Plant” initiative to rejuvenate over 3,000 hectares of land while creating local employment opportunities.


  • Scope of the Issue: Only 1% primary forest remaining, precipitated by historical exploitation and current dependence on charcoal production.
  • Project Focus: Urgent reforestation efforts to restore ecological balance and mitigate environmental disasters.


  • Scope of the Issue: Massive forest loss due to pine beetle infestation and wildfires, diminishing biodiversity, and economic prospects.
  • Project Focus: Collaborative community initiatives to restore over 12,000 hectares of forest, nurturing biodiversity and fostering economic growth.


  • Scope of the Issue: Extensive deforestation driven by the agriculture industry, threatening indigenous communities and diverse ecosystems.
  • Project Focus: Restoration projects across Goiás, Maranhão, and Piauí, aiming to protect biodiversity in vital areas including the Amazon and mangrove estuaries.